Our school strictly adheres to government labor laws, based on the basic human right of equal employment opportunities for all citizens. When hiring faculty and staff, we solely consider professional abilities and experience, never discriminating based on race, ideology, religion, political affiliation, origin, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, appearance, or physical and mental disabilities. Even in matters of labor conditions, promotions, job transfers, rewards and punishments, training, benefits, or termination conditions, we always base our decisions on the abilities and performance of our faculty and staff.
To promote substantive gender equality, eliminate gender discrimination, uphold personal dignity, and establish gender-equal educational resources and environments, our school has established a Gender Equality Education Committee in accordance with the "Gender Equality Education Act" and Article 20 of our school's "Organizational Regulations". The committee is responsible for the following:
1.Integrating relevant resources from various units within the school, formulating gender equality education implementation plans, and reviewing their results.
2.Planning or conducting gender equality education-related activities for students, faculty and staff, and parents.
3.Developing and promoting gender equality education curricula, teaching, and assessment.
4.Drafting and promoting regulations for implementing gender equality education and preventing campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or bullying, establishing mechanisms, and coordinating and integrating relevant resources.
5.Investigating and handling cases related to the Gender Equality Education Act.
6.Planning and establishing a safe campus space for gender equality and regularly reviewing improvement measures.
7.Collecting information on the prevention and relief of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or bullying.
8.Promoting community-based gender equality family education and social education.
9.Handling other matters related to gender equality education in the school or community.