The university formulates working conditions, establishes salary regulations for faculty and staff in accordance with government labor-related laws and regulations, and adjusts salary and benefits in accordance with government policies. The salaries of newly hired appointed personnel have been adjusted annually in accordance with the Ministry of Labor since January 1, 2019. The most recent salary adjustment, which took effect on January 1, 2022, increased salaries by 4% in accordance with the treatment of military and public servants. This adjustment applies to both regular faculty and contract employees within the university. In addition to adjusting the basic salary, the academic research allowances for faculty, and professional allowances for staff, the supervisory position allowance and work allowances for staff have also been adjusted to reflect the additional efforts of those who hold administrative positions or have special job duties.
Calculated in August 2022, the average salary of the school's appointed personnel is about NT$ 39,610 a month and NT$41,789 for a clerk, which is much higher than the current minimum basic wage of NT$26,400 set by the Ministry of Labor. At our university, the average monthly salary for staff or technical staff is NT$ 62,905, for senior staff it's NT$ 76,203, and for higher-level administrative officers, the average monthly salary is NT$ 83,133. If one holds an additional administrative supervisory or secretary role, they receive an additional remuneration NT$ 15,290. Therefore, the salaries paid to faculty and staff at our university are more than sufficient to meet basic living expenses.
In addition, the school regularly distributes salary on the 25th of every month, and a year-end bonus is issued following the principle of year-end bonus payment in military and public educational institutions. At the end of each school year, assessment bonuses, excellent staff bonuses, and special merit bonuses will be issued according to the staff’s school year assessment. Those who have no record of being late, leaving early, or being absent from work during the school year will receive attendance bonuses.
Starting from January 1, 2021, to retain outstanding personnel, if the personnel, who are employed through school-level projects entrusted by the Ministry of Education at this university, pass the University Contract Administrative Personnel Reserve Examination and are newly employed as university contract administrative personnel, they can be promoted by one level for every two years of cumulative service, with a maximum salary level of up to the ninth level.
Starting in 2022, the restriction that limited the number of employees receiving an "A" grade to 40% of the total in each unit has been removed from the Regulations for Employee Performance Evaluation, which means that 10% of employees under evaluated will not receive a "B+" grade or lower. Additionally, a new provision has been added: if an employee is assessed as "may be" or "is" below a "B" grade or lower, the unit supervisor should conduct a face-to-face interview and provide guidance to the employee. This interaction and the related details should be recorded in the employee's performance review record and the employee's work guidance effectiveness evaluation form, which will then be submitted to the Employee Personnel Review Committee for review. Employees will no longer have their performance grades lowered due to assessment ratio restrictions, and there is now a comprehensive mechanism for grades below "B" to safeguard employee rights and interests.
To help new employees quickly adapt to the organizational culture, accelerate their onboarding process, and achieve the university's goals of effective talent retention and development, the university has implemented a workplace mentorship program since August 2021. So far, seven new employees have applied for this program.