Tamkang organizes relative activities in the local community to understand the importance of energy efficiency and clean energy. The relevant instructions are as follow:
1. Relative Actions of the USR plan: In 2019, the university and seven elementary schools around Tamsui jointly organized the "2019 Campus SDGs Environmental Sustainability Workshop." After consensus was reached, three action plans were proposed for the government, schools, and individuals: The government should replace thermal power generation with green energy and focus more on species protection and hillside maintenance; schools should implement environmental education and reduce resource consumption; individuals should reduce the use of plastic products, land-based garbage, various wastes, and make an inventory of personal carbon footprints.
2. Relative Projects: Professors of the Department of Water Resource and Environmental Engineering participated in the 2018 "Tamsui Good Life- USR cross-domain collaborative team" of the university to implement composting projects at XingRen Elementary School in the Tamsui District. In the 2019 academic year, the Ministry of Education's Teaching Practice Research Program, the professors from the Master’s Program of the Graduate Institute of China Studies invited JinShan High School teachers to conduct lectures to discuss JinShan nuclear waste disposal and local revitalization issues. Students were taught the importance of environmental protection and classification through deep cultivation of forestation and local international projects by visiting various elementary schools in Yilan, YuTian, SanMin, and LongTan with the theme of environmental protection and DIY productions and games.
3. Educational Promotion Activities: All college promotes energy conservation and environmental safety and health cooperation matters to the faculty of the whole department every semester. The Department of Mass Communication from the College of Liberal Arts cooperates with the implementation of the university's energy and environmental safety and health goals, and posts announcements. The chemicals used in the "Tamking Visual Art Workshop" photo processing and enlargement are recycled regularly and managed in accordance with regulations to reduce impacts within the environment.