SDG4: Quality Education
SDG6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities+
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and production
SDG17:Partnerships for the Goals

7.4.4) Policy development for clean energy tech
Inform and support governments in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development.

    Tamkang University provides information and support to the government on clean energy and energy-saving technology policies. The relevant actions are as follows:

    ◆Tamkang University is one of the founding and permanent member schools of the "Green University Union of Taiwan": In 2013, universities and colleges within our country concerned about environmental protection and sustainable development jointly initiated the establishment of the "Green University Union of Taiwan". Tamkang University is one of the founding members and permanent member schools
    ◆The Champion Incubation Center and the Office of Research and Development of Tamkang University collaborated to assist Pingzhen and Dayuan Industrial Parks in carrying out ESG upgrade guidance counseling: Under the Green Supply Chain Law formulated by the European Union, Taiwanese SMEs must meet the requirements of ESG indicators to enter the world supply chain. Tamkang University is one of the seven alliance schools of the European Union Center (EUTW) in Taiwan. Its ESG counseling team has professional teachers and experienced professional consultants. Through cooperation with the Pingzhen and Dayuan Industrial Park Service Centers, the university provides services to the manufacturers in these two industrial parks for sustainable business transformation and upgrading.
    ◆The university collaborated with local junior high and elementary schools in Tamsui to promote campus decarbonization policies. Under the "An AC for Each Classroom " policy, the university provides energy-saving strategies and recommendations, such as transforming the security guard room at Wenhua Elementary School into a green energy education facility.
    ◆The university participated in the Earth Day event organized by the Education Bureau, New Taipei City, on April 22, promoting the "Zero Carbon Emission" initiative through poster exhibitions at the New Taipei City Environmental Education Center. 新北綠生活 淡江分享永續教育成果
    ◆Since 2023, the university has assisted the Ministry of Education (MOE) in formulating energy-saving guidelines for colleges and universities, focusing on establishing, optimizing, or updating energy management systems. We also serve as the review and advisory team for the MOE Subsidy Program for Colleges and Universities to Improve Energy-Saving Measures. 節能亮眼 淡江獲邀擔任計畫輔導團隊
    ◆Research Projects
    a.Professor Wei-Chi Lai from the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering executed a research project funded by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) titled “Preparation and Application of Novel Nano Carbon/ Polymer Composite Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage.”
    b.Professor Chih-Yung Chang from the Department of Artificial Intelligence executed a research project funded by NSTC titled “Charging Technology Combining Charging Vehicles and Solar Energy Resources in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks.”
    c.Professor Chih-Yung Chang from the Department of Artificial Intelligence executed a research project funded by NSTC titled “Mobile Vehicle Charging Technology in Wireless Sensor Networks Considering Coverage, Connectivity, and Data Quality.”
    d.Professor Li-Chuan Chen from the Center for European Union Studies executed a project commissioned by Taiwan Research Institute titled “2023 Net-Zero Promotion Plan for Taiwan’s Energy Sector – Research on the EU Energy Market Regulatory Framework and Reasonable Transition for Carbon Reduction in the Energy Industry.”
    e.Assistant Professor Yao-Ting Tseng from the Department of Statistics executed a project commissioned by the Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service titled “Establishing EUI Benchmark Values for Designated Electricity Usage Types and Developing and Electricity Consumption Forecasting and Evaluation Model.”