To increase the proportion of clean energy, reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, and fulfill our school's commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050, we have set a mid-and-long-term goal for school affairs development as " AI+SDGs=∞", and established the following action guidelines:
1. Energy Saving: Improve the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment, strengthen energy-saving advocacy, and conduct energy waste audits.
2. Carbon Reduction: Under the three-pronged approach of "carbon reduction, carbon fixation, and negative carbon emission", we will accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions.
3. Renewable Energy: Continuously install solar panels, increase the proportion of green electricity, and conduct data and information collection. We will continue to collaborate with fields such as information, computer science, electrical engineering, and electric power to cultivate talents in the field of renewable energy.
4. Smart Campus: Use digital technology to assist in teaching and administration, reduce carbon emission rates, and improve process efficiency.
7.2.1) Energy-efficient renovation and building
Have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations or new builds are following energy efficiency standards.
7.2.2) Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency
Have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency.
7.2.3) Carbon reduction and emission reduction process
Have a process for carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
7.2.4) Plan to reduce energy consumption
Have an energy efficiency plan in place to reduce overall energy consumption.
7.2.5) Energy wastage identification
Undergo energy reviews to identify areas where energy waste is highest.
7.2.6) Divestment policy
Have a policy on divesting investments from carbon-intensive energy industries notably coal and oil.