SDG4: Quality Education
SDG6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and production
SDG17:Partnerships for the Goals

17.4) Education for the SDGs

    Education is at the heart of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The deepening of the concept of sustainability and the promotion of sustainable actions must be rooted in education, from the course teaching on campus to lifelong education outside the campus, and through the establishment of domestic and international partnerships, the influence will continue to spread.

    Tamkang University is committed to promoting education related to sustainable development goals throughout the school, offering various courses related to sustainability including the required courses of "Exploring Sustainability" and "AI Learning," the general education courses such as "Ecological Community Construction," "Vulnerable Groups and Social Welfare" and "Marine Technology," to facilitate a solid foundation for students' knowledge for sustainable development. The school requires teachers to state the sustainable development goals related when submitting a teaching plan, thereby encouraging teachers to incorporate SDG practice and experience into curriculum design to facilitate the education related to sustainable development goals.

    To better facilitate sustainable development, TKU has expanded the education of SDGs beyond the campus, providing various lectures, seminars, workshops, lifelong learning courses, etc., to provide educational activities related to the SDGs for the community.

    To expand our impact on sustainable development, TKU has also actively collaborated with international non-governmental organizations to share and exchange experience. For example, the Department of Economics cooperated with the Cambodian non-profit organization ECC School to tackle the development of economic sustainability and try to establish a circular farming system; the volunteering service team "Economics & Education Sail" visited poor villages in Cambodia during the winter and summer vacations, assisting students to study, improve their English and computer skills, help them improve their income, and lead the school children to carry out river cleanup to raise the awareness of environmental hygiene.
  • 17.4.1) Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education
    Have a commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university, in some programmes or in all programmes.
  • 17.4.2)Education for SDGs specific courses on sustainability.
  • 17.4.3)Education for SDGs in the wider community