SDG4: Quality Education
SDG6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and production
SDG17:Partnerships for the Goals

17.2.1) Relationships with NGOs and goverment for SDG policy

    1.Direct involvement in, or input into national government
    Over a hundred academic staff of the university served as consultants, deliberative members, professional evaluation members, review members, or advisory members in governmental units to have direct involvement in or input in formulating or promoting relative policies of sustainable development goals, including:

    ◆Teachers from the Department of Chinese Literature served as convener of the “Qualification Examination for Teachers of Schools Below Senior Secondary School and Kindergarten” and help to develop the literacy assessment indicators and questions. Significant education issues such as gender equity, human rights, multiculturalism and indigenous culture are integrated into the indicators and questions.

    ◆Teachers from the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering served as members in governmental units such as Taiwan Water Corporation, the Department of Disaster Response Center of Taipei City Government, the management committee of Te-Chi Reservoir catchment area, the survey group of Taiwan’s wetlands of importance, and the initiative committee of Tamsui River Pollution Control and Remediation.

    ◆Teachers from the Department of Economics served as members in governmental units such as the Advisory Committee of Radioactive Waste Safety, Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board, and Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan.

    ◆The Department of Economics signed a contract with Longyuan Holding in June 2022 to establish aquaponics systems within the campuses of Tamkang University and Chong-Cheng Senior High School. They will also develop operational and monitoring modules for these systems.

    ◆Teachers from the Department of Accounting served as members of the group for formulating the covering range of medical benefits for national health insurance to steer the reforming of the health care system.

    ◆The Department of Artificial Intelligence participated in the “2023 Feasibility Study on the Use of AI to Identify Abnormalities in Sewer Pipes" project of Sewerage Systems Office of Public Works Department, Taipei City Government. 污水管渠檢視異常 AI來幫忙

    ◆Teachers from the Department of Transportation Management served as members of the “Professional Review Committee of Smart Urban and Rural Life Application Subsidy Program” and “Railway environmental improvement construction and surrounding land development plan review meeting

    2.Collaboration with local government
    The university's USR (University Social Responsibility) project, "Tamsui Good Life," aims to transform Tamsui area into a "learning township." In long-term collaboration with Tamsui District Office and other government offices, it promotes community development. In 2021, through the jointly organized "Local Regeneration Consensus Conference" with the Tamsui District Office, they identified the unique DNA of the Tamsui area. Through proposals, discussions, and consensus-building, it was decided to assist in building an integrated physical and virtual regeneration platform for local agriculture. This platform addresses the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and accelerates digital transformation, emphasizing the use of technology. Faculty and student teams from the departments of Mass Communication, Computer Science, Management Sciences, and Educational Design are involved in creating a diverse platform called "Open Tamsui," which connects Tamsui farmers to the world through methods such as websites, Facebook, YouTube, 360-degree panorama videos, design product listings, online platforms, industry-academia collaborations, agricultural facilities, farm experiences, and Tamsui's musical characteristics.

    3.Collaboration with domestic non-government organisations (NGOs)
    ◆TKU is both a charter member and a permanent member of the Green University Union of Taiwan and has been serving as a supervisor school since 2019 to continuously make great impacts on issues regarding carbon emission and SDGs.

    ◆Tamkang University has partnered with similar-minded universities, including Tatung University, Taipei University of Marine Technology, Aletheia University, National Open University, and Shih Chien University, to form the "Alliance for Empowering Smart Future – Sustainable and Cultivated Digital Learning." The alliance has recently passed the review of the Ministry of Education's "University Alliance for the Deepening Promotion and Innovative Application of Digital Learning Project." Through digital teaching innovation, the alliance will collectively develop goals and existing characteristic strengths, planning thematic courses on "Technology" and "Sustainability," as well as "Distinctive" course series, to achieve sustainable development in digital learning and enhance the transformation of digital teaching among alliance schools. The project is set to run from June 30, 2022, to January 31, 2024, with approved funding of NT$13,659,000.