SDG4: Quality Education
SDG6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and production
SDG17:Partnerships for the Goals

8.2.3) Employment policy on discrimination
Have a policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age).

    Based on the human right to equal employment opportunities, the university employs faculty and staff based on their professional competence and experience, and never makes any distinction based on race, ideology, religion, party affiliation, national origin, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, marriage, appearance, or physical or mental disability. Decisions on labor conditions, promotion, transfer, rewards and punishments, training, benefits, or dismissal conditions will be made solely according to the competence and performance of faculty members.

    To promote gender equality, eliminate gender discrimination, uphold the dignity of human beings, and establish an educational resource and environment for gender equality, the university has established the Gender Equity Education Committee following the Gender Equity Education Act and Article 20 of the university's Bylaws, with the following responsibilities:

    1. Integrate the relevant resources of various units within the school, formulate a plan for gender equality education implementation, then carry out and review its implementation results.

    2. Plan or conduct activities related to gender equality education for students, faculty, staff, and parents.

    3. Develop and promote the curriculum, teaching, and evaluation of gender equality education.

    4. Develop and promote the implementation of gender equality education and regulations on the prevention and treatment of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus, establish mechanisms, and coordinate and integrate relevant resources.

    5. Investigate and handle cases related to the Gender Equality Education Act.

    6. Plan and establish a gender-equal safe campus and regularly review improvement measures.

    7. Collect information on the prevention and relief of sexual assault, sexual harassment or sexual bullying on campus.

    8. Promote family education and social education on gender equality in the community.

    9. Other matters concerning gender equality education in schools or communities.