To be able to provide full play to their strengths at work, the prerequisites must have a workplace environment with equal opportunities and fair competition. However, in real life, due to various factors, the workplace environment is often discriminated against, bullied, and other unfriendly things, resulting in an unfriendly employment environment, unequal opportunities, and losing the conditions for equal competition. When the employer decides whether the job applicant may be hired or whether they may be promoted based on certain characteristics of the job seeker, this is a characteristic that the job seeker cannot change and has nothing to do with the job, the employer's request for this characteristic is unfair and unreasonable, which is employment discrimination and should be prohibited.
TKU fully complies with government labor laws. Based on the basic human rights of equal employment opportunities for nationals, the hiring of faculty and staff is based entirely on professional ability and experience. TKU has never discriminated against individuals based on race, ideology, religion, party affiliation, place of birth, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, marriage, appearance, or disability. Even when working conditions, promotion, transfer, rewards and punishments, training, benefits, or dismissal conditions are in the future, the abilities and performance of faculty and staff will be prioritized.