The faculty and staff are important assets of the university. TKU creates a good working environment and uses a system to protect the rights and interests of faculty and staff, attract talents and retain talents, and hopes that all staff may obtain and provide full play with their talents, so that the university may maintain its competitiveness. TKU formulates working conditions following the governmental labor-related laws and regulations and has reasonable salary regulations for faculty and staff: the monthly salary of new faculty in TKU is much higher than the minimum monthly salary set by the Ministry of Labor. According to the salary information platform of the Chief Accounting Office of the Executive Yuan, the average salary of the administrative staff of the university is about NT$36,000, which is more than 50% of the average salary of employees in the country; if the contracted administrative staff is transferred to the staff within the university establishment, the average monthly salary is about NT$41,000, which is more than 40% of the national average salary of employees; the average monthly salary of team members or technicians is NT$57,988, which is more than 30% of the national average salary of employees; the average monthly salary of commissioners or editors is NT$72,988, which is more than 20% of the national average salary of employees; the average monthly salary of the above compilation is NT$ 78,726. If individuals are concurrently administrative directors or secretaries, the salary will be more than 10% of the national average salary of employees.
The monthly salary is paid regularly on the 25th of each month; following the principle of year-end work bonuses for military and public education, year-end work bonuses are issued. At the end of each academic year, the assessment bonus, bonus for excellent employees, and bonus for special good deeds will be issued according to the assessment of the employee's academic year; when there is no record of being late, leaving early, or absent during the academic year, a full attendance bonus will be issued.