SDG4: Quality Education
SDG6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and production
SDG17:Partnerships for the Goals

6.4.2) Water reuse measurement

    In terms of water reuse, as old buildings generally do not have water recovery devices, the water recovery equipment is mainly designed to match new buildings, such as the Lanyang Campus Teaching Building, Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center, etc. Rainwater storage tanks are used to collect rainwater as sprinkler irrigation for planting. According to statistics, the amount of rainwater recovered accounts for 0.16% of the total water consumption of the campus. As the sewage pipe is included in the construction of New Taipei City, the Tamsui campus pays an additional sewage treatment fee every month. Charges are calculated based on the tons of water used (influent) per month. Thus, the plan is to cooperate with the university's water treatment technology research center to develop campus water recycling and reuse programs and continue to increase the rate of campus water reuse. After the water is recycled, it can be used for campus sprinkler irrigation, floor cleaning of buildings, or toilet flushing, which can reduce the amount of tap water and the expenditure on-campus water and electricity; furthermore, environmental education to practice campus environmental teaching fields will be emphasized.