Before 2019, the Tamsui campus set up a gymnasium, a swimming pool, a chemistry hall, an engineering building, and a foreign language building, with a total of 5 buildings. In addition, the Lanyang campus has also set up a sewage treatment plant, which is commissioned by qualified manufacturers to operate and maintain to ensure the normal operation of the sewage plant equipment. The wastewater generated by the campus first enters the sewage plant for chemical treatment and is then discharged into the off-campus sewage pipeline after treatment. The quality of the discharged water is subject to regular sampling inspections by the university and irregular sampling by the local environmental protection agency, which all comply with the discharge water standards.
From 2019, the Tamsui campus followed the Taipei campus and cooperate with the government to complete the public sewage sewer. The wastewater from the Tamsui campus has also been fully integrated into the New Taipei City public sewage pipeline and concentrated to the government-established fresh sea sewage treatment plant. The sewage is treated by the equipment of the treatment plant and will be discharged after the treatment meets the national discharge standard, to achieve the goal of not polluting the water quality of the river; the university also bears the sewage treatment fee.