SDG4: Quality Education
SDG6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and production
SDG17:Partnerships for the Goals

12.3.2) Proportion of waste recycled

    Recyclables include PET bottles, iron, and aluminum cans, aluminum foil bags, paper, waste batteries, toner cartridges, optical discs, and kitchen waste, compost of fallen leaves, large-scale discarded furniture, and laboratory waste liquid, etc., all regenerated through recycling channels to avoid sending directly to the incinerator for disposal.

    The proportion of recyclable waste: 15.02%
    Amount of waste generated: 666,381 (kg)
    Amount of recycled waste: 100,106 (kg)
    Amount of waste shipped to landfill: 0